
A shop that never lost its tackle.

The Fishing Hook NH began as a bait and tackle shop in Nags Head NC in 1990. It was owned and operated by Steve Gutowski. At that time, it was simply…The Fishing Hook. Steve quickly saw that there was a need for rod repair as anglers came off the beach with broken rods, reels, rod tips and much more. As The Fishing Hook quickly became the place that the locals suggested for rod repair and all things “fishing,” the need for custom rod building was evident. Within a short period of time, The Fishing Hook became the place for bait and tackle, rod and reel repair and custom fishing rods, in Nags Head.

Fast forward twenty-plus years and retirement from the Federal Government, Steve and his wife moved to New Hampshire to live out their retirement.  His love of fishing has never been more present. Nor has the need for a creative outlet. As luck would have it, there seems to be a great need for both bait and tackle in the area as well as custom rod builds. Therefore, The Fishing Hook continues to live on as The Fishing Hook New Hampshire. Whether you fish on the Lamprey River, The Great Bay, or the Atlantic Ocean, he continues to offer custom rods to fit the specific needs of his customers. The Fishing Hook NH will continue to evolve in an effort to meet the ever changing needs of the modern angler.